We make every effort to process your order quickly to get it to you as soon as possible. Here's what you need to know about our shipping policy:
Standard Shipping: This is the default shipping method and takes between 7-12 days to all major destinations.
Expedited Shipping: This is the fastest shipping method and takes between 3-5 days to all major destinations. Shipping costs vary by item. We also offer Expedited options for most items, which means your order will arrive 3 or 4 business days after it leaves the warehouse.
When will my order ship? Most orders are processed and shipped within 1-3 working days. After placing an order, we will send a tracking number by email and provide inquiry addresses.
Can you ship to my country? We can ship single item samples or large orders to more than 100 countries.
Where is my order? You will receive a shipping confirmation only when your items are fulfilled. Please fill in your account email and order number to monitor your order status.
A few tips for shipping:
We are doing our best to meet the promised delivery time. Please understand that our warehouse operates only on business days, so please enjoy the sunshine even if there's a day or two difference in the ETA. We will inform you proactively if there is any delay or issue with your order.
A phone number is required for delivery. Please leave a correct email address in your order so that you can receive order confirmation and shipping updates.
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